• 40,000円以上ご購入で送料無料(全国一律2,200円)



Marni Group S.r.l.(以下「当社」、「マルニ」、または「データ管理者」)は、イタリアのVia Sismondi Gian Carlo 70/B, 20133 Milanoに登記上の事務所を有し、データ管理者として 、イタリアのデータ保護局(「Garante」)の指示に基づき、ウェブサイトwww.marni.com(以下「サイト」)内のナビゲーションデータおよびクッキーの運用に関して次の情報を提供します。


当サイトの運営で当社が採用しているその他の方針については、こちらの リンク から情報通知をご覧いただけます。

1. クッキー

1.1 クッキー





1.2 クッキーの種類

• テクニカルクッキーは、 「電子的通信ネットワーク上での通信の送信を実行するため、または契約当事者やユーザーに明示的に要求された情報社会サービスの提供者がそのサービスを提供するために、厳密に必要とする範囲内で通信の送信を実行するため」(プライバシー法 第122(1)参照)、これを唯一の目的として、使用されるクッキーです。これらのクッキーは、ユーザーの要求の実行、または当社の正当な利益に基づいて、ユーザー機器にユーザーの承認なく設置される場合があります。
• プロファイリングクッキーは、提供された機能(パターン)を使用するとき、特定の行動や繰り返しの行動パターンを特定の、識別される、または識別可能なテーマまで追跡していき、様々な分析結果を様々なサイズの同種の集団に分類します。すると、ユーザーの関心に合わせたターゲット広告のメッセージを送信することができます。この種類のクッキーは、ユーザーの同意があった場合のみユーザー端末にダウンロードされます。

• このクッキーは集計された統計を作成するために、単一サイトや単一モバイルアプリケーションに関連してのみ使用されます。
• サードパーティー向けにはIPアドレスの少なくとも4番目のセグメントは、非公開になります。
• サードパーティーは、アナリティクスクッキーを他の処理(例えば顧客ファイルや他のサイトへの訪問者の統計)と組み合わせたり、第三者にそれらを伝えたりすることは避ける必要があります。

これらの条件を満たしていない場合、アナリティクスクッキーもダウンロードするのに、ユーザーの同意が必要となります。 最後に、クッキーはソーシャルネットワーク上での交流やコンテンツを簡単に共有したり、ユーザーの関心(ソーシャルクッキー)に基づいたターゲット広告を送信したりするときに使われる場合もあります。これらのクッキーもユーザーの同意を必要とします。

2. 当サイトで使用しているクッキーの一覧


2.1 テクニカルクッキー


_GRECAPTCHA technical Google reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis. Third-party 6 months www.google.com
dwsid technical System session management cookie associated with the Demandware eCommerce platform. First-party Session www.marni.com
dwsid technical System session management cookie associated with the Demandware eCommerce platform. First-party Session www.marni.com
utag_main technical This cookie is used by Tealium to keep technical information. First-party 1 year www.marni.com
dwnewsletter technical Used by Demanware to keep the staus of newsletter push request offer. First-party 13 months www.marni.com
dwanonymous_16e891f97e3406623e246b56bc093f3d technical This cookie contains a specific ID on the visitor in order to distinguish visitors. This information allows the website to remember the visitor’s preferences, settings and secures the functionality of the shopping basket. First-party 6 months www.marni.com
dwanonymous_ef459977a3220b5a7226dd492f072de0 technical This cookie contains a specific ID on the visitor in order to distinguish visitors. This information allows the website to remember the visitor’s preferences, settings and secures the functionality of the shopping basket. First-party 6 months www.marni.com
dwanonymous_ef459977a3220b5a7226dd492f072de0 technical This cookie contains a specific ID on the visitor in order to distinguish visitors. This information allows the website to remember the visitor’s preferences, settings and secures the functionality of the shopping basket. First-party 6 months www.marni.com
dwanonymous_ef459977a3220b5a7226dd492f072de0 technical This cookie contains a specific ID on the visitor in order to distinguish visitors. This information allows the website to remember the visitor’s preferences, settings and secures the functionality of the shopping basket. First-party 6 months www.marni.com
__cq_dnt technical Analytical cookies that keep track of anonymous or registered users. First-party Session www.marni.com
cquid technical ID with hash for a known purchaser. First-party Session www.marni.com
dwlocation technical When user decides which country to navigate to the software leaves a cookie First-party 10 years www.marni.com
cqcid technical They are used to help administer and optimize the e-commerce portions of our Website. First-party Session www.marni.com
cqcid technical They are used to help administer and optimize the e-commerce portions of our Website. First-party Session www.marni.com
rCookie technical Analytics cookies used to keep tracking user behavior First-party 2 years www.marni.com
cquid technical ID with hash for a known purchaser. First-party Session www.marni.com
dwac_ebb0ba768aa564a6468eb2225b technical Stores the following data for analytics purposes: Session ID, report suite name, shopper’s customer ID, source code group ID (encoded), currency mnemonic, and time zone. First-party Session www.marni.com
dw_dnt technical Controls client-side JavaScript for Commerce Cloud tracking features (Analytics, Einstein, ActiveData). First-party Session www.marni.com
dwac_ebb0ba768aa564a6468eb2225b technical Stores the following data for analytics purposes: Session ID, report suite name, shopper’s customer ID, source code group ID (encoded), currency mnemonic, and time zone. First-party Session www.marni.com
dwanonymous_ef459977a3220b5a7226dd492f072de0 technical This cookie contains a specific ID on the visitor in order to distinguish visitors. This information allows the website to remember the visitor’s preferences, settings and secures the functionality of the shopping basket. First-party 6 months www.marni.com
rskxRunCookie technical Analytics cookies used to keep tracking user behavior First-party 2 years www.marni.com
__cq_seg technical Analytical cookies that support the personalization of site content. Cookies also used to speed up the loading of pages. First-party 1 month www.marni.com
dw_dnt technical Controls client-side JavaScript for Commerce Cloud tracking features (Analytics, Einstein, ActiveData). First-party Session www.marni.com
dwac_d9cffd696f8834cc15cc6b4895 technical Stores the following data for analytics purposes: Session ID, report suite name, shopper’s customer ID, source code group ID (encoded), currency mnemonic, and time zone. First-party Session www.marni.com
lastRskxRun technical Analytical cookies that support the personalization of site content. Cookies also used to speed up the loading of pages. First-party 2 years www.marni.com
s_fid technical This cookie name is associated with the analytics service provided by Adobe's Site Catalyst product suite. It is a new cookie introduced in 2013 as a 'fallback' visitor identifier where the s_vi cookie normally used for this purpose is blocked. It contains a randomly generated, unique id. First-party 2 years www.marni.com
s_cc technical Adobe Site Catalyst cookie, determines whether cookies are enabled in the browser. First-party Session www.marni.com
_ga technical This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. First-party 2 years www.marni.com
_gid technical This cookie is set by Google Analytics. It stores and update a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track pageviews. First-party 1 day www.marni.com
s_ppv technical Adobe Site Catalyst cookie. First-party Session www.marni.com
__cq_uuid technical This cookie name is associated with Predictive Intelligence activity tracking software used on sites built on the Demandware ecommerce platform. It enables tracking of anonymous or logged in users to measure and improve performance, and also supports personalisation of site content. This cookie stores a random unique user identifier. First-party 1 year 1 month www.marni.com
dextp technical This cookie is used by Adobe Experience Cloud tool to keep anonimous unique id of the user. Third-party 6 months .demdex.net
demdex technical This cookie is used by Adobe Experience Cloud tool to keep anonimous unique id of the user. Third-party 6 months .demdex.net
AMCV_982E985B591252110A495C70%40AdobeOrg technical This cookie is used by Adobe Experience Cloud tool to keep anonimous unique id of the user. First-party 2 years www.marni.com
prod_find_method technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session navigation information. First-party Session www.marni.com
AMCVS_982E985B591252110A495C70%40AdobeOrg technical This cookie is used by Adobe Experience Cloud tool to keep anonimous unique id of the user. First-party Session www.marni.com
gvsC technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session navigation information. First-party Session www.marni.com
aa_dslv_s technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session navigation information. First-party 30 minutes www.marni.com
_gat_tiq technical This cookie is used by Google Universal Analytics to store anonimous unique id. First-party 1 minute www.marni.com
aa_cvpmc_n technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session navigation information. First-party 5 years www.marni.com
aa_newrep technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store anonymous user history status. First-party 1 month www.marni.com
aa_prev_page technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session navigation information. First-party 30 minutes www.marni.com
aa_dslv technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session navigation information First-party 3 years www.marni.com
adms_channel technical Used by Adobe Analytics to store session entry source. First-party 1 month www.marni.com
AB Tasty technical This is a first-party cookie that has a lifetime of 13 month. It includes data and information about the visitor, and information about the campaign the visitor has been allocated. First-party 1 year 1 month www.marni.com
AB Tastysession technical This is a first-party cookie. Its lifetime depends on the duration of the session (a session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity on the website). Its purpose is to collect information about each user’s session. First-party 30 minutes www.marni.com
inside-{CLUSTER} technical Unique Visitor identifier for INSIDE chat Third-party 365 days Powerfront
inside:{CLUSTER}:IN-{SITE} technical Unique cross domain Visitor identifier for INSIDE chat. Note: this is only set when clients want to identify the same Visitor across multiple website domains (ex. mycompany1.com & mycompany2.com) Third-party 365 days Powerfront
inside-c1 technical Identifies the Visitor's browser first party cookie support for INSIDE chat. Third-party 0 days Powerfront

Impostazioni dei cookie in Explorer/Edge
Impostazioni dei cookie in Firefox
Impostazioni dei cookie in Chrome
Impostazioni dei cookie in Safari e iOS

2.2. その他の種類のクッキー(マーケティングおよびアナリティックスクッキー)

次のリンクを利用して、お客様のブラウザに設置されたサードパーティーのクッキー(Facebookを含むDigital Advertising AllianceのWebChoicesツールのメンバーになっている企業)からオプトアウトを実行することもできます。 https://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2&lang=EN
また、Your Online Choicesが提供する次のツールを利用して、サードパーティーのクッキーからオプトアウトを実行して、お客様の設定を管理することもできます。: https://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/

sid marketing This is a very common cookie name but where it is found as a session cookie it is likely to be used as for session state management. First-party Session www.marni.com
audience marketing Sync audience data between buyers and sellers. Third-party 28 days .spotxchange.com
CMPRO marketing These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. Third-party 3 months .casalemedia.com
uuid2 marketing This cookie allows targeted advertising through the AppNexus platform - collects anonymous data on ad views IP adddress, page views, and more. Third-party 3 months .adnxs.com
uuid marketing This cookie is used to optimize ad relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites – this exchange of visitor data is normally provided by a third-party data-center or ad-exchange. Third-party 1 year 1 month .cquotient.com
sid marketing This is a very common cookie name but where it is found as a session cookie it is likely to be used as for session state management. First-party Session marni.com
mxpim marketing This cookie is generally provided by mxptint.net for advertising purposes. Third-party 2 years .mxptint.net
UID marketing This cookie provides a uniquely assigned, machine-generated user ID and gathers data about activity on the website. This data may be sent to a 3rd party for analysis and reporting. Third-party 1 year 11 months .scorecardresearch.com
test_cookie marketing This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to determine if the website visitor's browser supports cookies. Third-party 15 minutes .doubleclick.net
anj marketing This cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with an AppNexus partner. Third-party 3 months .adnxs.com
CMPS marketing These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. Third-party 3 months .casalemedia.com
CMID marketing These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at. Third-party 1 year .casalemedia.com
PugT marketing Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads. Third-party 1 month .pubmatic.com
_al:* profiling Absolute Labs sets these local storage keys to calculate visitor, session and other aggregate and anonymous characteristics for the site’s analytical report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. First-party 1 year Absolute Labs


_cs_mk analytics Cookie used by ContenSquare to store session information. First-party 30 minutes www.marni.com
_cs_c analytics Cookie used by ContentSquare to store user navigation info. First-party 13 months www.marni.com
_cs_id analytics Cookie used by ContentSquare to store user anonimous unique id. First-party 13 months www.marni.com
_cs_s analytics Cookie used by ContenSquare to store session information. First-party 30 minutes www.marni.com

In particolare, per quanto riguarda i plug-in di Facebook, la Società e Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublino 2 Irlanda agiscono in qualità di contitolari ed il relativo accordo di contitolarità (“Appendice sul titolare del trattamento”) è reperibile al seguente link . Facebook Ireland è responsabile dei diritti degli interessati ai sensi degli articoli 15-20 del GDPR in relazione ai dati personali conservati da Facebook Ireland dopo il trattamento congiunto. La seguente autorità di controllo è responsabile per Facebook: Data Protection Commission, 21 Fitzwilliam Square South, Dublin 2, D02 RD28, Irlanda (https://www.dataprotection.ie/).
特に、Facebookのプラグインに関しては、当社およびFacebook Ireland Ltd(4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland)は、共同管理者としての役割を果たし、関連する共同所有権契約書(「データ管理事業者の補足」)は次のリンクから確認できます。 https://m.facebook.com/legal/controller_addendum。Facebook Irelandは、共同処理後、Facebook Irelandが保管する個人データに関し、一般データ保護規則の第15~20条に従ってデータ主体の権利に責任を負います。次の監督機関がFacebookに対して責任を負います。 Data Protection Commission, 21 Fitzwilliam Square South, Dublin 2, D02 RD28, Ireland (https://www.dataprotection.ie/).
最後に、想定される共同管理は、いかなる場合であっても、当社が処理の目的および手段を決定していない、ソーシャルネットワークが実施する処理には及ばないものとします。(例 当社サイトがユーザーデータを伝えた後にソーシャルネットワークが実施する操作) ソーシャルネットワークの情報の収集および使用に関しては、次の各プライバシーポリシーをご覧ください。
Facebook (クッキーポリシーへのリンク);
Instagram (クッキーポリシーへのリンク);
Twitter (クッキーポリシーへのリンク);
‒ YouTube (クッキーポリシーへのリンク).

3. データ保護の権利

• 自身に関する個人データへのアクセス
• 個人データの削除
• 当社の保持する個人データの訂正
• 同意に基づく処理のとき、その同意の撤回
• 個人データの処理の制限
• ユーザーが当社へ提供した個人データを、構造化され、一般的に利用される機械可読性のある形式(ポータビリティ)でコピーし、別のデータ管理者へ当該個人データを送信すること。

異議を述べる権利: 上記に記載された権利に加えて、お客様は、自身の特別な状況と関連する根拠により、当社の正当な利益に基づいて行われたお客様の個人データの処理、およびマーケット目的としたお客様の個人データの処理に対し、いつでも異議を述べる権利を有します。

4. お問い合わせ先

Marni Group S.r.l.
with registered office in Italy, Via Sismondi Gian Carlo 70/B, 20133 Milano;
Email privacy@marni.com
当社のデータ保護責任者への連絡は、次のメールアドレスまでお願いいたします。: dpo@otb.net


より優れたサイト体験を提供するために、本サイトでは、クッキーならびに類似した技術を使用しています。「すべて受け入れる」を選択すると、これらの使用に同意したことになります。詳細や設定内容の変更については、「クッキーを管理する」 をクリックするか クッキーポリシー なら びにプライバシーポリシーをご覧ください.
